This website is designed & developed by National Informatics Center, Fatehpur and maintained by District Administration, Fatehpur. In case you have any query regarding this website, you may write to the Web Information Manager at [upfat[at]nic[dot]in].
You can also contact us at the following address:
S.No. |
Officer’s Photo |
Designation and Address |
1. |
Shri Ravinder Singh (I.A.S)
District Collector/Magistrate
DM Office,Collectorate Campus,
Fatehpur-212601 (UP)
e-mail (O) :dmfat[at]nic[dot]in
Phone: +91-5180-224514 |
2. |
Mr. Manoj Kumar Gupta
District Informatics Officer
National Informatics Center (NIC)
Collectorate Campus, Fatehpur-212601 (UP)
Phone: +91-5180-223012 |